Auscultation of topographic dams
Naturgy Generación
For the annual report on the behavior of the dams, which the
owners/managers/operators of these infrastructures, have to present to the
corresponding organizations or hydrographic confederations, it is necessary to carry out a
high-precision topographic control of dams and their associated infrastructure.
For more than 5 years, Topofor has been in charge of controlling the topographic networks of
Naturgy dams in Spain, a total of 22 facilities.
In these facilities, different types of controls, high-quality leveling,
precision, collimations, triangulations and radiations.
Some of the dam control networks have been controlled for more than
40 years old, other networks being more recent, in which Topofor has participated in its
This is a periodic job, in which the dam facilities are visited to
perform topographic measurements, and generate the corresponding reports, in which
the behavior of the prey over time is collected through comparisons
in data tables and graphs.
The generated report is incorporated, as an annex, to the structural safety report of
the dams.